Thunderstruck Page 20
Blake laughed. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“You should go home,” Blake said, turning to May. “You have been a wonderful surrogate mother. Thank you for your kindness.”
May shot up from the chair and wrapped her arms around him. “You are always welcomed in my home. It will be quiet without you and Saga there.”
“Not to worry,” Blake said. “I will be back as often as I’m able.”
“Come on, Dr. Hompluem.” Kyle extended an elbow to her. “I’ll walk you out so the lovebirds can have a proper good-bye.”
Blake took Stevie in his arms once again. She smelled of the sea and a light hint of her shampoo. He wasn’t sure what the scent was, but it was sweet to his nose. He kissed her. The passion behind her response sped up his heart. He slid his hand behind her ear as the worlds fell away and all that remained was the two of them.
Her mouth soft and warm, he never wanted to leave her, but he had a duty. One day he’d be the ruler of Asgard. He felt a great pain in his chest as he released her.
She gazed up at him. “I hope to see you soon.”
“A thousand elves couldn’t keep me away.”
Her smile was like the rising sun on Midgard—bright and warm. And he feared there would only be darkness without her in his universe.
“I will always be here.” Her voice soothed him.
And the words of the Norns came back to him. You cannot hold one dove while reaching for another, for it will fly away.
tuttugu ok tveir
Stevie leaned close to the mirror and meticulously applied some red lipstick. She puckered and then stood back examining herself.
“Why am I wearing this galaxy dress for the vlog? Comic Cam wears costumes, remember?”
Amira teased the back of Stevie’s hair. “It’s your coming-out video.”
“I already came out. Remember? It’s all over the internet.” Stevie rubbed a bit of the lipstick that had gone outside the line of her lips with her pinky.
“Yeah, but it wasn’t official.” Amira sprayed her creation into place. “Just some grainy, dark photos. Your public wants more.”
A horn blared outside.
“And that would be Trevon,” Amira said, putting down the hairspray bottle. “I swear that boy has no manners. I told him not to do that. Ringing the doorbell is sufficient.”
The doorbell rang.
Stevie laughed. “He just wants to give you a warning. You’re always late getting ready.”
“Hey, it takes time to create all this.” She ran her hands down her sides.
“You look great without all that, too, you know.” Stevie blotted her lips with a tissue. “Why are you dressing up?”
“Because you’re introducing me as your cameraperson. I’m getting my moment of fame, I want to look glamorous.” Amira crossed the carpet to the door. “Let’s go. We don’t want to be late for the live show.”
Stevie followed her out. “I don’t know why it has to be live. What if I make mistakes? You won’t be able to edit it and make me look fabulous like you always do.”
“Because your fans have spoken. They want it raw.”
Trevon waited in the living room with Stevie’s parents. He wore a suit.
Stevie raised an eyebrow at him. “Why are you wearing that?”
Amira wrapped her arm around his. “Since I’m all dressed up, he’s taking me out to an expensive restaurant after the show. I don’t want to waste all this.”
“You look lovely, dear,” her mom said. “I want to take a few photographs.”
“Why?” Everyone was acting weird. Stevie was only doing a vlog, not attending the Oscars or something.
Her mom smiled. “You’re growing up so fast. Next year you’ll be in college and on your own.”
Her dad, sitting in the high back chair, looked over his book at her. “You’ll never get out of here if you don’t give her a few photos.” He placed his book on the ottoman and joined them.
Stevie felt a sudden sadness wash over her. She would be gone next year, and her childhood would be officially over. She’d be an adult and on her own.
After she finished posing for photos, she kissed her parents. “I love you guys, and I will always come home.”
And she meant that. Because no matter the dangers in the world, coming home had always made her feel safe and loved.
The waters just past the beach were calm. The memory of the leeches sent a chill down Stevie’s spine. The boathouse was dark and only a few people were out strolling the beach.
“Why are we filming here?”
“I got a good deal on renting the place for an hour,” Amira said, popping open the car door and stepping out. “It’s better than the toolshed. Plus, I still haven’t convinced your dad we won’t destroy the warehouse again.”
Saga trotted up to them and Stevie bent over to massage her ears. “Hey, girl. What are you doing here?”
May rushed up. “Blake sent her back to me. She didn’t do well on Asgard.” She massaged behind Saga’s ear. “We’re out for our nightly walk. Saga loves coming out here. Except she won’t stay on a leash. This is the fifth one she’s torn. You all look nice. What are you up to?”
“Just shooting a Comic Cam video,” Stevie said.
“Oh, I love Comic Cam,” May said. “Blake and I used to watch it when he lived with me.”
“I see,” Stevie said, the thought of Blake making her sad. She missed him so much it ached. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
“I wouldn’t miss your birthday party,” she said, then turned to Saga. “Come on, girl. I have a nice steak waiting for you.” May rushed off with Saga sprinting ahead of her.
Amira opened the door to the boathouse and they all walked in. “The lights are over there,” she directed to Trevon and he flipped them on.
“Surprise!” A chorus of voices shouted.
Stevie stumbled back and bumped into somebody. She spun around to find Blake, wearing a suit with a galaxy-designed tie. A plastic box in his hand.
“You’re here!” Her happiness at seeing him made it feel like she was floating on her feet as she flung her arms around him. He caught her in his arms and placed a firm kiss on her lips.
“It’s been agony waiting for you to get here,” he said, amusement in his voice.
“What is this?” She glanced over her shoulder. The place was decorated like the universe. A dance floor was on one side of the room and a DJ in the corner. There were so many couples, and she didn’t know most of them.
“It’s a homecoming redo,” he said. “The last one wasn’t ideal.”
A nervous laugh escaped her. “You have to be the most amazing guy ever.”
“And you are definitely the most amazing girl ever.” He opened the plastic box and took out a corsage with a silver band and two gardenias attached to it.
She held out her hand and he slipped it onto her wrist.
“Stevie Moon,” he said, tossing the box aside and offering his elbow. “Will you go to homecoming with me?”
“I’d love to.” She slipped her hand over his well-defined biceps and let him guide her out to the dance floor. The music started. The song playing was “Something Just Like This” by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay.
“I love this song,” she said.
“I know. I found it on your playlist.” He took her in his arms, pulling her close to him, their chests pressed together. He lowered his voice. “I’m a fish out of water here. I don’t know how to dance.”
“That’s okay,” she said, resting her head against his shoulder. “I’ll guide you.”
The lights flashed across the dance floor and couples strolled out on the floor and joined them.
“About those two doves the Norns mentioned,” Blake whispered against her ear. “With great care, it’s possible to hold them both.”
You cannot hold one dove while reaching for another, for it will fly away, the Norn’s words played in her mind. Stevie knew what the Norns meant. She was
one dove and Asgard was the other, and Blake had to choose between the two.
“We’ll prove them wrong,” she said.
Blake swayed to the music with her in his arms. “That we will.”
Stevie closed her eyes, her heart beating strong against his.
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I’ve always wanted to write a story like this—full of Norse mythology with my own twist—and I’m so grateful for the opportunity.
I’d like to thank my publisher and editor, Liz Pelletier, for allowing me to create Blake and Stevie’s story and for helping me to mold it into what it is today. I’m so glad you’re as excited about this book as I am. You’re my Wonder Woman.
Also, many thanks to my agent, Peter Knapp, for having the strength of Mjölnir while doing all that agent stuff you do for me. Your guidance and care is your super power.
And a great big thanks to Melissa, Crystal, Laura, and the entire Entangled Publishing team that worked like superheroes on this book from editing to cover design to marketing and everything in between. Thank you for making this book shine and for getting it into readers’ hands.
A huge thank you to my own Avengers team. To Pintip Dunn for reading this book and offering a wonderful blurb for it. I’m so grateful for your generosity. To Heather Cashman for critiquing this book. You are amazing and your support in all the things is greatly appreciated. To Jami Nord for your early critiques. Your insights are powerful. And to Leatrice McKinney for helping me with the blurb when this story was merely a spark.
To the wonderful Pitch Wars community and my online friends, thank you for keeping me company and just for being genuinely awesome.
Thank you to my family and friends for all your support and for reminding me each day what really matters.
To my boys, Eric and Jacob, thank you for your enthusiasm of Norse mythology and comics, and for dragging me to superhero movies. This story is a homage to our time together.
And to my amazing husband, Richard Drake, for all that you do for me so that I can follow my publishing dreams. You are my superhero.
And finally, to you, dear reader, thank you for reading Blake and Stevie’s story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
About the Author
Brenda Drake grew up the youngest of three children, an Air Force brat, and the continual new kid at school. Her fondest memories growing up is of her eccentric, Irish grandmother’s animated tales, which gave her a strong love for storytelling. So it was only fitting that she would choose to write stories with a bend toward the fantastical. When she’s not writing or hanging out with her family, she haunts libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops, or reads someplace quiet and not at all exotic (much to her disappointment).
Also by Brenda Drake…
Touching Fate
Cursing Fate
the Library Jumpers series
Thief of Lies
Guardian of Secrets
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